Thursday, April 7, 2011

Sammul Chan Might Film TVB Dramas Again

Sammul Chan bashed TVB earlier in a television interview. When attended to the promotion of his "last" TVB drama "Relic of an Emissary", he was accompanied by TVB's external affairs assistant director Tseng during interviews, perhaps a way to make sure he is not saying inappropriate things again. Yesterday he and Myolie Wu attended to the promotion of their Mainland drama "Schemes of Beauty" and talked about TVB again: "Mr. Tseng is not here, I'm very worried. Not that I'm afraid they would point at me, just afraid people aren't going to write about it."

Sammul joked TVB can still buy his other dramas to play in their other channels. The world is round and he likes to go back to TVB. Asked whether he will fight for a better pay, he said: "No. Money is not one of the priorities. Depends on the story of the drama. Don't say I'm this arrogant. I'm actually very low-profile. Weibo is just a way for me to express feelings."

As for Joe Ma's wife opens fire at TVB, Sammul said: "Different cases." As for Virginia Lok said people need to experience hardships to have their names remembered, he said: "I already have. In fact, to certain degrees, the interview earlier has been edited. Like where I said I thanked TVB for raising me the past 11 years. So I said the world is round. We are also in talks about collaboration besides dramas. Hope it would happen soon, then those rumors would break themselves."

In addition, Bosco Wong exposed Myolie is disappointed that she didn't make into the top 10 TV female artists, she said: "Don't talk about these rumors. I'm not replying what he said. He to be the lead in a movie? None of my business." Asked whether there's a change in their relationship, she refused to reply.

Source: Mingpao  / Translation: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment


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