Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Moses Chan Gives Up New Drama For Coffee

Moses Chan is a coffee lover for sure!

The actor was supposed to film a new 30-episodes drama with Bobby Au-Yeung and Linda Chung and filming will start next month. However, he suddenly asked for a break with personal reasons. In fact, he is going to Malaysia for his first coffee shop and will stay there for about a month.

Producer of the drama Cheung Kong Man is very dissatisfied. He disclosed he already scheduled Moses to be in the drama last November but was notified in March that he couldn't do it. It's upsetting that he asked for a vacation just before filming.

"I won't comment on it. The company didn't say much, what could I say? It's not like it has to be Moses."

Moses himself admitted that he will not be filming the new drama. But he denied declining; it's just a schedule conflict.

"I never decline to be in a drama," he said. "I hope they can understand. It's regretful that I can't be in this drama. Acting is my career. Opening a coffee shop is just my small dream."

It's known the drama has been edited several times already. Originally it was designed for Sheren Tang, but the "No Regrets" star rejected it and went to Mainland for another drama. Then the screenwriters have to changed the story, making it more relate to music. Bobby Au-Yeung and Myolie Wu remain in the original cast and Linda Chung is added.

Now Moses is not in the cast anymore, the crew is troubled for finding a replacement. Pierre Ngo is their top choice, however, they are afraid he is not suitable yet as a lead. Not only finding a right replacement is hard, clothes that actors wear in the drama are finished and now they have to make changes again.

Everyone knows Moses loves coffee. In 2008, he even got to know more about it by doing a coffee show. He released a book about coffee a year later. Now he finally got to open his first coffee shop, of course he is very nervous and wants everything to be as best as possible; even if it's to give up an opportunity to star in a good drama.

Source: ON.CC  / By: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment


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