Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sammul Chan Doesn't Rule Out Future Collaboration With ATV

Sammul Chan went to ATV yesterday and met the company's high executives. Asked whether he talked about signing contracts with them, he said: "No. I'm just touring and meeting their people, including the producers, see if we have anything we can collaborate on. (Not afraid being boycott by TVB?) No such thing. The premise is going to a right direction.

ATV's high executive expressed they are inviting Sammul to attend to their anniversary events and star in their drama. As for this, Sammul said: "They did invite me. Depends on the schedule, but I should be in Mainland filming by then. (Now supporting ATV?) Not like that. For us, work is more important. I'm willing to do it if people invite me. In fact, I've been to TVB's anniversary events for many years. I want to experience ATV's, Cable TV's, and even Phoenix's. (Not afraid to be the victim?) It's a different generation now. I'm not afraid."

Sammul said this won't ruin his collaboration with TVB; plus it's something that would happen next year. He will be absent from future promotions of his drama "Relic of an Emissary."

Source: Mingpao / Translation: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment


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