Thursday, April 7, 2011

Joyce Cheng Will Turn Down BF's Proposal

Joyce Cheng attended to an event yesterday. She took a quiz and the result is that she is loyal to her boyfriend. Asked whether it's true with her boyfriend Mark Ryan, she joked: "I'm very unfaithful. I'll look at handsome guys! Is he perfect? I actually want to know whether I'm perfect in his heart." The couple have been dating for 4 years now and talked about marriage, but she said: "I just started my career these 2 years. If he proposes, I'll kill him! I need to release another album, don't stop me."

Talk about her father Adam Cheng didn't talk about old friend Tang Kwong Wing, who just passed away, Joyce said: "Maybe he wanted to talk about concert, so he didn't brought that up. In fact he is very sad."

Source: Mingpao  / Translation: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment


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