Monday, April 4, 2011

Raymond Lam Doesn't Care Ex Filming Cat-III Films

Raymond Lam was in TV City yesterday to shoot new drama "Return to the Three Kingdoms" (ε›žεˆ°δΈ‰εœ‹). He appeared to be feel better now after his photos leak. As for his ex Mavis Pan could star in a category-III porn film, Raymond immediately draw a line: "Then you have to ask her. I won't reply to things related to her anymore. I will only focus on my work."

Raymond expressed besides filming, he has started recording for his new Cantonese album and preparing for his July concert. Talked about he has a concert 3 years in a row, he said: "Yeah! I heard it's been a long time since a singer hold a concert for 3 years in a row. I will have more fast tracks this time. (Even harder?) I won't think about that. I just want the show to be good." He also disclosed he played with water in the first year and fire last year; he will play something new this year.

Source: ON.CC  / Translation: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment

[Kay says: LOL Raymond this weird]


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