Thursday, March 31, 2011

I Can't Wait (the 2011 edition)

2010 is already finished and done with and it is time to look ahead to see what wonders await us. Or rather, for what wonders are we willing to wait. Thanks to the all mighty Internet I compiled a list of 94 films to be released (in principle) in 2011 that I intend to see sooner or later. Out of those 94 films, I have chosen the 20 I am anticipating the most. And here they are:

20. Moonrise Kingdom

Because of: Wes Anderson, Tilda Swinton and Jason Schwartzman.
In Spite of: A likely 2012 release (that is why it's last), Frances McDormand and Edward Norton.

19. Jane Eyre

Because of: The Brontë surname, Michael Fassbender, Judi Dench, Sally Hawkins and the trailer.
In Spite of: Potential dullness?

18. My Week With Marilyn

Because of: Michelle Williams, Kenneth Branagh, Judi Dench, Eddie Redmayne and the Royal Hollywood story.
In Spite of: Potential "biopicness"?

17. The Help

Because of: Emma Stone, Viola Davis, Olive Penderghast, Allison Janney and Emma's pocketful of sunshine.
In Spite of: Smells like The Secret Life of Bees.

16. Trespass

Because of: NICOLE KIDMAN, the Nicolas Cage in Leaving Las Vegas, Adaptation, Bad Lieutenant or The Weather Man, Nicole Kidman, Cam Gigandet's pecs and Nicole Kidman.
In Spite of: Joel Schumacher, the Nicolas Cage of The Sorcerer's Apprentice, Season of the Witch or Ghost Rider.

15. X-Men First Class

Because of: January Jones, McAvoy, Fassbender, Bacon, Hoult, Lawrence, the X-Men in general, the setting in the 60s and Matthew Vaughn.
In Spite of: Rose Byrne.

14. Winnie the Pooh

Because of: Eeyore, Tigger, Piglet, Winnie, Owl, Rabbit.
In Spite of: Will it be a long episode of the TV show?

13. We Need to Talk About Kevin

Because of: Tilda Swinton, the premise.
In Spite of: I know very little about the film so I can't think of anything.

12. Friends With Benefits

Because of: Mila Kunis, Will Gluck, Justin Timberlake's pecs, Patricia Clarkson, Emma Stone, the trailer.
In Spite of: The most likely cheesy and conventional ending.

11. Bad Teacher

Because of: Cameron Diaz, the trailer, the hope of Justin Timberlake's pecs, Molly Shannon!, Lucy Punch.
In Spite of: Less likely to have a conventional ending but still plausible.

10. Immortals

Because of: Tarsem Singh, the visual side of his films, Greek Mythology, Mickey Rourke, Stephen Dorff, the abundance of pecs.
In Spite of: Freida Pinto (who nevertheless is choosing very interesting directors).

9. A Dangerous Method

Because of: Keira Knightley, Michael Fassbender, Vigo Mortensen, Vincent Cassel, psychoanalysis and I would love to say Cronenberg but I'm still a virgin in his films.
In Spite of: Cronenberg might be too tough for me?

8. Hanna

Because of: Joe Wright, Saoirse Ronan, Cate Blanchett, Olivia Williams, Eric Bana.
In Spite of: Was Joe Wright a two-tricks pony?

7. Shame

Because of: Steve McQueen, Michael Fassbender, Hunger, Carey Mulligan.
In Spite of: Totally unrelated to the film but I don't like Carey off-screen.

6. One Day

Because of: Anne Hathaway, Lone Scherfig, Jim Sturgess, Patricia Clarkson, the premise, that wonderful poster.
In Spite of: Will it deliver?

5. Contagion

Because of: Soderbergh, Marion Cotillard, Jude Law, Kate Winslet, Gwyneth Paltrow.
In Spite of: Nothing.

4. The Tree of Life

Because of: Malick's grandeur, Brad Pitt, Sean Penn, Jessica Chastain (I have never seen her in a film and I love her already), dinosaurs.
In Spite of: Malick's grandeur is sometimes too grand for me.

3. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

Because of: Fincher, Rooney Mara, Fincher's perfectionism, Daniel Craig, Fincher's coolness.
In Spite of: Remake, seemingly-boring novel?

2. Melancholia

Because of: LARS, Kirsten Dunst, VON, Charlotte Gainsbourg, TRIER, Alexander Skarsgard, Von Trier's madness, the premise.
In Spite of: Nothing.

1. La Piel que Habito

Because of: Pedro Almodóvar, Elena Anaya, Pedro Almodóvar, Marisa Paredes, Pedro Almodóvar, Antonio Banderas working with Pedro Almodóvar.
In Spite of: Horror films scare me.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

[Updated Pics] TVB Puts Bus Hostage Crisis in New Drama

Filming the scene

The Manila Bus Hostage Crisis
Although it's been more than half of a year since the Manila Bus Hostage Crisis happened, but it's still a pain to most Hong Kong residents.

A dismissed Philippine National Police Officer hijacked a Hong Kong tour bus and took the Hong Kong tourists as hostages in an attempt to resume his previous position as a police officer. Eight hostages were dead in the end, and some of the other hostages are now facing long term injuries from the incident.

TVB's new drama "Flying Tigers"/"Special Duties Unit" (tentative name) starring Joe Ma and Jessica Hsuan was filming a bus hostage scene yesterday, very similar to the Manila hostage crisis. The scene is about Kenneth Ma, who plays the villain, takes over a tour bus and demands the police to release his wife (JJ Jia). He goes crazy when he knows his injured wife dies.

The scene is similar to the hostage crisis happened in Manila, Philippines last year. Not only it's also a bus hostage crisis, it's also similar in which the hostage taker is emotion-driven by the fact his close family member is held by the police force.

Actors filming the scene was not so willing to film this scene. Jessica Hsuan is worried this part would rub salt into the wound of victims from the real hostage crisis. Kenneth Ma, whose role resembles the real hostage taker, expressed he has no control and can only follow the script.

As one of the hostages in the scene, Christine Kuo believes the screenwriter just wants to show the message the bad can't win the good and didn't purposely try to relate it to the unfortunate incident. Her boyfriend in the drama Oscar Leung thinks similar stories have been seen in other movies; it's just now everyone is being more sensitive to it.

Source: Oriental Daily  / By: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment

Sammul Chan & Michael Tao Bash TVB

TVB brought many actors and actresses to fame, but many of them left the company in the end. The main reason? Dissatisfaction.

Once as one of the young actors TVB are promoting, Sammul Chan decided to leave the company last August after working for them for 11 years. He made a recent television appearance and talked about his reasons behind leaving the well-known television station. He saw people from his generation like Raymond Lam and Bosco Wong are being promoted but not really himself.

"A youngster is working hard, and is acknowledged by the audience. Others already received some awards, but I'm still standing at the corners, not even a nomination."

In fact, Sammul thought of signing the management contract with TVB, which would make him a biological child of TVB, but he didn't get a satisfying pay raise. The company couldn't even agree on a small raise (under 100).

"They also wanted me to sign a 10-year long contract, but no change in salary," he said. "Fighting for these slight changes, not worth it."

Now he is "free," the actor can do more on his own, including using Cantonese to speak on Cable TV and he described that as "feeling fresh air." As for others are not renewing their contract, he disclosed it's natural if they are not happy working.

Not only Sammul is speaking out, the "housewives killer" Michael Tao is also commenting on TVB's system. He disclosed he once signed a 2-year contract with TVB to film 20-episodes per year. He waited several years and finally shoot "Sisters of Pearl." There were still 10 episodes left when the contract ended and that was when TVB wasn't being reasonable to him.

"They told me to unconditionally extend the contract for 6 months, like a freebie to TVB," he said. "I felt it wasn't reasonable. Why would I have to take their fault?"

In the end, TVB paid the 10-episodes salary to the actor. Then several months later, TVB have a drama they want him to star in. But they require him to pay back the 10-episodes pay first.

"This is a just unacceptable!," he expressed.

Source: Oriental Daily  / By: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment

Casting Call: The Joes Part 2

As promised Cody and I have put together our rag tag bunch of heroes that we hope will someday, make it to the silver screen. Cody will also be featuring his list of new Cobra recruits in a solo post, very soon, but for now let's get to our new 6 for GI Joe 2!

Nicky Lee - Rank: Sergeant (E-5) Codename: Tunnel Rat (by Jeff)
This guy would be an interesting addition to the Joes given that he is not your typical big muscle bound hero that saves the day by charging headlong into a mess of Cobra forces. This is the guy they send in covertly either over the fence or, if Tunnel Rat had his way, under it. His primary job is explosive ordinance disposal, but he's also apparently a combat engineer. This is the guy who activates your plan B when plan A has gone to shit. He's short but don't let his height fool you he's wicked smart and he was trained by the best, the Rangers. Honestly I really don't have that much info about him, I don't really recall reading many of the comics with him involved in the storyline. Although I have extensive knowledge of his character from the G.I. Joe animated feature from the 80's. Tunnel Rat is of Asian descent and seems to have a knack for getting into trouble. He was sort of goofy, almost the class clown, which I think could work in the film but he would obviously need to be someone who can go from humorous to clutch handyman without much hesitation. I've thought about this one for a while and honestly I only have one good candidate, his name, Aaron Yoo. The guy has made the rounds in big movie fare from Disturbia, 21, Nick and Nora and Freddy Krueger. The guy can be genuinely funny without it turning into a caricature. But I do have a wildcard if they were intending to make Tunnel Rat a bit more of a badass guy who slinks through the tunnels and leads the dirty missions that other Joes may wish to avoid. Ian Anthony Dale, in my mind would be that guy. I've been watching the Event on NBC and I really like his secret double agent character. Not sure if the guy can bring the funny, but I would say that if you wanted to elevate Tunnel Rat to a more heroic leading role. Dale would probably be your guy.
Ian Anthony Dale

Aaron Yoo

Wayne R. Sneedon - Rank: Command Sergeant Major (E-9) Codename: Beach Head (by Jeff)
For some reason I have always had a deep affinity for this tough as nails drill Sergeant, not always sure why, although I always thought he just looked like a total badass with his green mask and bulging biceps. This is a guy you wouldn't want to cross, seriously, yes I know his mask was bright green but it worked. Beach Head is the guy who whips the Joes into shape, with drills and combat tactics. This guy is extremely smart and a excellent tactician. This is pretty well established on the G.I. Joe cartoon from the 80's. The comics implies that although he is a consummate professional he tends to have some contempt for Protocol. This is a guy who leaps headlong into a mission without much consultation with the higher ups, which apparently has hindered his ability to rise further in the ranks. Now for the film it would be tough for an actor to have to wear that mask the entire film, I mean you already have one Snake Eyes. I assume he would only wear it into battle, but the question is who could play this tough talking tough guy from the mean streets of Auburn, Alabama. If only Steve "Stone Cold" Austin were just a bit younger, he would be the perfect Beach Head. So my next thought would be someone slightly younger but still old enough to be a drill instructor and I came across Kevin Durand. The guy has made a habit out of playing slimy assholes, but there is no denying he's a bad ass. Watch his soldier of fortune on Lost and tell me that guy didn't make you almost wet your pants. But he can play a good guy too as displayed in Robin Hood next to Russell Crowe. I think the guy is deserving of a big screen action role and what better to play a no-nonsense Southerner in G.I. Joe. If you need an example of his Southern twang look no further than 3:10 to Yuma from a few years ago.

Lonzo R. Wilkinson - Rank: Sgt. Major (E-9) Codename: Stalker (by Jeff)
Stalker is technically the first Black G.I. Joe, he makes appearances in the original cartoon but is usually only there, unfortunately, to fill the color quotient. It was in the comics that Stalker was allowed to shine as a leader of the Joes and an effective and lethal member of this elite squad. In the comics he came up through the ranks with his best friend Snake-Eyes and makes it near the top as the second in command to General Hawk and is heavily involved in recruitment and dangerous missions. This high command diminishes once Duke takes over the squad but he is still integral in tough missions and is usually placed in the thick of it with his good buddy Snake-Eyes. Now if I had a time machine Carl Weathers in my mind would be the perfect Stalker but Carl is pushing into his late 60's so that ain't gonna work. Now there are quite a few guys I can think of that could pull off this tough guy from the streets of Detroit who turned from his life of hustling to join the U.S. Army. After doing a thorough search I feel pretty confident that Stalker would be best in the hands of Anthony Mackie. The guy can act and he's comfortable playing soldier from the Hurt Locker to Eagle Eye. He also has street cred playing Tupac Shakur and a tough boxer from Million Dollar Baby. Plus I can see him sporting the beret, not an easy feat for anyone.

Ettienne R. Lafitte - Rank: Gunnery Sgt. USMC (E-7) Codename: Gung-Ho (by Jeff)

Gung Ho, in a sense, is G.I. Joe, this guy just always seemed to me to be the face of the Joes a tough bruiser but kind and heroic. He's been a staple on the show and the comic book since the beginning. Used as the muscle and comic relief on the show ( no one apparently wanted to eat his Gumbo), but in the comic he isn't really given the storylines his character probably deserves. He's usually just part of the Joe squads, peppering the story arc with his humor. He is the first Marine on G.I. Joe and he deserves to play a role in the next G.I. Joe movie in a pivotal way. Now if Steve Austin could speak a cajun accent he also would be a perfect fit for Gung Ho, but again he's too old. Honestly I'm going to take a chance, this guy is a great actor, but I'm not entirely sure he can pull off a southern accent much less a Cajun one. But still he can fit the look, Tom Hardy. He played a great con man in Inception and an even greater bad ass loon in Bronson. But I think he could bring something interesting to Gung Ho. I mean the guy is going to be Bane in the next movie, so someone with some authority, other than me, thinks he can play a muscled bad ass.

Courtney Kreiger - Rank: Specialist (E-4) Codename: Cover Girl (by Cody)
I felt strongly that we should have included Cover Girl in our original G.I. Joe Casting Call two years back, but it had already been decided that Jeff would take the Joes and I would take Cobra. And obviously, Cover Girl did not make Jeff's cut. I can understand why. Of the original three Joe ladies she never had the screen time of a Scarlett or a Lady Jaye who always seemed to be at the forefront, always involved in the most important, most exciting missions. Of course we all know why, don't we? It was because they were shacking up with their superior officers! Cover Girl was always her own woman, never tied down. She was brassy but flirtatious, often trading frisky barbs with Shipwreck or stealing a kiss from Duke (much to Scarlett’s chagrin). She was very much a guys gal, always more a part of the Joes' boys club, than ever really one of the girls.

What always intrigued me most about the character was that she was this absolute knockout who leaves the cosmopolitan world of fashion modeling to join an elite military force and drive a motherfucking tank instead. That is pretty badass. And I really don't care that the 2009 film features a character that, I GUESS, is supposed to be Cover Girl. She was played by real life supermodel Karolina Kurkova, who is super hot and super Czech, but super bad at acting. Like most of the characters in the ‘09 film, "Cover Girl" (w/air quotes) is completely mishandled. However, she's barely in the film and I'm not even sure she's ever referred to by her codename. So I say let's just pretend it never happened (like the movie as a whole). Let's reboot the character properly for the sequel. To do that we need an actress who is hot, very important, but she also needs to be tough, equally important. I think the perfect fit for the new Cover Girl would be Swedish model and actress Mini Anden, best known for playing Carina Miller, spy friend and C.A.T. Squad teammate of Yvonne Strahovski's Sarah Walker on the show CHUCK. Fans of the show can attest to Mini's badassedness. And the look, well... it speaks for itself:

Ronald W. Tadur - Rank: Corporal (E-4) Codename: Dusty (by Jeff) 
When Cody and I discussed the possibility of revisiting the casting call for new Joes for the sequel the first name to come to my mind was Dusty, and it was partly after watching Channing Tatum's performance as Duke in the first film that inspired this thought. I kept thinking he really feels like he (Tatum) deserves to be on the Joe team, but just not as it's leader--I just couldn't see him leading these guys into battle. He certainly has the look of a soldier but he played him kind of naive and green which made me think, hmm, he really would have made a great Dusty. But of course, he can't be Dusty now that he's going to be Duke again, so we have to find someone else.
Now to give you some background on the character. Dusty was another favorite on the TV show he could be extremely naive in who he chooses to trust but the kid had heart and he was always the moral center of the Joes, he was always trying to do the right thing no matter what. Now in the comic book, Dusty gets some new specialties. Not only is he trained in Desert warfare he can speak Arabic and can be used as a tracker and survivalist in the extreme heat. Not to mention the guy can fix your air conditioner and your Fridge when it goes bust. No I'm not kidding you, he's an expert. It would be best to get someone who can pull off the inexperience without being annoying yet also be a skilled fighter and of course has to bring pathos and the moral perspective to the group. I do like Anton Yelchin for the role but he's played in so many pop culture films of this type, I think it may be time to give him a rest, also I'm not fully convinced even after he's played the young Reece from the last Terminator movies that he can someday be a badass, he's just too small. I think after careful consideration I'm going to go from the gut and go with Native Australian Liam Hemsworth for Dusty. He's a big kid, he looks posterboy Military but from the few roles I've seen of him, and they are few, he has an innocence about him that I think would work great for Dusty. Now he's mostly known, at least in this country, for doing Miley Cyrus and that movie of hers, but I think this could be his chance to get out of Miley's drunken shadow and his elder Brother Chris "Thor" Hemsworth by taking on a bad ass role equal to the mighty God of Thunder--Dusty.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Chilam Cheung Invites Big Guests to Last Show

Chilam Cheung's last show of his 2011 concert ended yesterday. In order to provide a good show to his fans, not only he worked out hard to build muscles, he also invited some starry guests to the final show.

Good friends Cecilia Cheung and Aaron Kwok were invited as performing guests. Haven't sing for a long time, Cecilia felt nervous when she performed with Chilam and at one point she forgot lyrics. As one of the heavenly kings in the 90s, Aaron dance-battled with Chilam on stage and they performed Aaron's classic song "Never Ending Love."

The most surprising guests at the final show were Maple Hui and Chilam's 4-year-old son Morton. Maple was once Chilam's rumored girlfriend, as they were partners in singing the classic love duet "Modern Love Story". Haven't met up for nearly 20 years, Chilam and Maple still have a good chemistry and Maple praised Chilam still looks handsome, just like 20 years ago.

After Chilam sang with Maple, a clip of Morton singing was played and Morton was brought to the stage to his dad. Surprised to see all this, Chilam held his son in his arms and asked him some questions and was a little "mad" in the end.

"Are you sleepy?"
"You haven't seen daddy for a long time, right?"
"Do you miss daddy"

Chilam once again said touching things to wife Anita Yuen on the stage. In the first show, he thanked Anita for bringing him a family and a son. Now in the final show, he made a promise to her.

"We didn't even take wedding photos," he said. "I'm owe her a wedding gown. I promise you, let's do this again when we are sixty."

Source: ON.CC / By: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment