Friday, March 18, 2011

Raymond Lam Not Worry More Photos Leaking

Raymond Lam has been reporters' top target lately after his photos with ex-girlfriend Pan Shuang Shuang leaked. Although his mood is affected, but he didn't hide himself and continues to work.

Yesterday morning he appeared at the airport, ready to get on the flight to Beijing for an awards ceremony. He still squeezed out some smiles when interviewed by reporters. It's known he and Pan also went to Bali during Chinese New Year. Yesterday he confirmed this, but expressed he is not worry photos they took during trip would leak.

"They are really nothing," he said. "Just photos of us two, it's very normal."

As for the photos leak, Pan expressed she lost her phone in the hair salon earlier. Raymond seems careless about it, expressing he is focusing in his career.

"I don't mind, and I won't blame anyone. I will continue to do my job well."

Source: Mingpao / By: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment


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