Thursday, March 3, 2011

Christine Kuo: Shy Girl's First Time

The Miss Chinese International gave her "first time" to filming.

Although she is the pretty goddess in many people's hearts, but Christine Kuo is actually a shy girl who never make first moves in a relationship. She won't express her feelings even when she likes someone, only keeping it a crush.

But in new drama "Flying Tigers" (tentative name & rough translation), Christine confessed love to someone the first time. Playing Joe Ma's girlfriend in the drama, she is touched by the tentative care from Oscar Leung, who is Joe's colleague, and eventually falls for him. But because of this awkward love triangle relationship, Oscar doesn't dare to confess his love, and it is Christine who makes the first move by giving him a kiss.

"Mommy taught me girls need to be a little reserved, so this would only happen in dramas," she said. "Kissing on the cheek is okay though."

Able to receive a kiss from Christine, Oscar joked she is charmed by his handsomeness.

"Did I get 'electrified'? Actually it's the other way around," he joked. "Because she finds me funny, that's how I charmed her."

Source: Oriental Daily / By: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment


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