Monday, March 14, 2011

Aaron Yan Takes Girl's First Kiss

To promote his new album "The Next Aaron," Aaron Yan has been attending to different promotion events. Yesterday he arrived at a kindergarten and be a piano teacher of the day. After the piano lesson, he played games with the kids and everyone all tried to snap a photo with him.

Holding a cute little girl on his lap, Aaron was like a dad, kissing the girl on her cheeks; but the girl didn't seem to like it. But that's different with another girl. Another little girl walked to the 25-year-old and requested a mouth-to-mouth kiss. Aaron didn't hesitate and kissed her on the lips. The little girl was very happy and even praised Aaron's soft lips.

Had a great time with children yesterday, Aaron said he wants to have a lot of children, like a basketball team.

"I discussed with Wu Zun, he also wants to have lots of kids. We can PK each other in the future!"

Source: NowNews / By: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment


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