Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Niki Saint Phalle

I learned about this fabulous artist the other day in my "Art After 1945" class. Her name is Niki Saint Phalle. I'm really adding her on this fashion blog because of her start as a model in vogue. This french fashion model turned artist was rebellious, innovative, creative, and at the height of the European Pop Art movement. She married her lover and they continued to work on art together for twenty years. What a great life!

Vogue Cover

With her artistic boyfriend

Literally shooting at the canvas (she would make figures out of objects and paint filled balloons and shoot at them)

In the white jumpsuit--never quite leaving Vogue behind.

Part of her Nana series in bright poppy colors. Entrance to "building" (read pregnant woman) through vagina. (she's funny!)
images from


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