Friday, May 4, 2007

MOVIE REVIEW: Spider-Man 3: An Alternative Perspective

I understand my colleague G.I. Jeff. I get him. I should, I’ve known him for a very long time. And as a result, I know that he would write a glowing review of Spider Man 3 no matter what Sam Raimi threw up on the screen. It could've been two and half hours of Peter Parker taking a radioactive dump in the toilet. He has a certain childlike reverence for the character, and I fear he has convinced himself that Spider Man 3 is actually a good film.

It’s not. Not even close, really.

Yeah, the special effects looked pretty good (I would hope, if they spent TWO-HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS on this film). But that’s about the best compliment I can give the film.

The acting is almost absurd in spots (the audience I saw it with laughed numerous times in spots not meant to be funny – stop crying Tobey!).

The many, many characters in this film aren’t juggled near enough screen time to be properly fleshed out.

The plot is… well, I actually have no idea what the plot was – but, I think there were at least six of them.

There were too many antagonists. Four by my count, which is three too many.

Bryce Dallas Howard is completely wasted in a nothing role.

The Sandman is a bigger flip-flopper than John Kerry. He’s bad, he’s good, he’s bad again… wait, wait… okay, he’s good again.

The emergence of Venom (at least I think its Venom. They don’t even have enough time to work in the name), is pretty much just a flash in the pan. His forced presence in the film seems like a lackluster attempt to pander to the fanboys. A real waste in this film, and should’ve been saved for SM4 or left out all together.

Walking out of the theater, I was simply confused. Based on the previous two films, which I like very much, I expected a smart, efficient, and connected story. What I got was a lot of murk, mire and meandering. Spider Man 3 is like a size 24 woman trying to fit into a size 6 pair of jeans. Sloppy. Very, very sloppy.

Grade: 2 Buckets

P.S. Is Harry the "New Goblin" or is he going paint balling??


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