Wednesday, August 2, 2006

TV Review: Who Wants to be a Superhero

I have just wrapped principle photography on a feature, and I now have some time to relax between some smaller gigs and trying to move.

What better way to break into blogging scene then with a TV review? I'm sure there are several...

Anyway, I was perusing iTunes last night came across this gem. I believe this show, Who Wants to be a Superhero, airs on Sci Fi. If I am wrong please correct me. Anyway, the first episode was a free download. So, I figured why the hell not? I like comics. How can they possibly combine comic book superheros and reality TV?

The premise of the show is as follows. People from all over the country come in and show off their superhero alter egos. 12 are chosen to go on with the actual competition to be selected as the new Superhero winning a comic series and a Sci Fi movie about their hero. The infamous Stan Lee hosts. Not a terrible concept. Could be fun. WRONG.

This show couldn't be anymore horrid. To start off, the shows completely neglects what should be one of the best parts of the show, the heros! Instead of showing off the auditions of all the people around world willing to wear tights to get on TV they only show about three seconds. Then, they get right to the point of the showing who the twelve picks are. Some of the picks make you wonder how bad the other hopeful contestants must have been. Some of the twelve chosen includes such winners as Monkey Girl, Fat Momma, and The Iron Enforcer...

The show is NOT reality TV. Which it really wants you to believe. The show is soooo scripted its not even funny. And the screenwriters are all smoking crack. Each hero gets a commicator...which is nothing more then a Blackberry where they superimpose a video file over the screen in post...give me a break.

The show is hosted by Stan Lee. And now I am started to understand why Marvel pushed him out the door.

This show is pure trash. Its not ever worth the short time I have taken to write this post. And is a huge reason why I haven't spent more time typing more detail...That and I have distaste for writing...;)

Til next time kiddies.


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