Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Bucket's List of the Top 10 Overlooked, Underrated, and Underappreciated Screen Villains of All-Time

It's almost Halloween and we at the Bucket decided to do the ultimate Top Ten list. A couple years back AFI, or the The American Film Institute for the non-industry laymen, came out with their list of the 50 Greatest Movie Villains of all time. There are some goodies on that list but for some reason they have left out, in our humble opinion, some of the most fearsome and funny evildoers to be shown on celluloid. Now, while I have the utmost respect for The American Film Institute and whatever it is that they actually do, which I assume is something greater than just coming up with various countdown lists, their list of the 50 Greatest Movie Villains of all time is, to say the least, a wee bit pretentious. Unless you’re an esoteric, NYU film school brat, who dresses in all black, and wears a scarf in 70 degree weather, then you probably disagree that “Man” from the classic Disney film Bambi is one of the top 20 screen villains ever. So, where is the list for the rest us, you ask?

Well, just in time for Halloween, we here at The Bucket have answered the call and have put together our list of the Top 10 Overlooked, Underrated, and Under-appreciated Screen Villains of All-Time. Now we've sweetened the pot a bit. I got some of my folks at Cave Drawing Ink to pitch in with some original drawings of our fearsome 10 and we will be unveiling our countdown one by one up until Halloween when we announce who the Number #1 overlooked, underrated, and under-appreciated baddie of all time is.

So you can check it out here at the Bucket or on the comic site Cave Drawing Ink. Enjoy and have a happy and safe Halloween!!!


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