Ever since the 5th grade I have loved Chuck Taylors. So comfortable, simple, and remind me of that 90's grunge. I've had virtually every color...
Red, Raspberry, Orange, Bubblegum Pink, Kelly Green, Navy Blue, and White.
Now they've come out with a bunch of new styles, and I want them all pleeeease.

Who doesn't love plaid? Especially these red ones, featured in Teen Vogue. Also come in blue. Liking the dark laces and white circle logo.

Ah favorite! Shredded between each shoe lace hole. Available at Free People. Could match my shredded jeans, wouldn't that be a classy look

Studded. Favorite trend ever. This will be my next DIY project, have already been posted on here before and couldn't help doing it again.
"Rockin' high tops and saying no to stilleto's,
Cause I may get drunk of my ass and I don't wanna fall"
- Uffie
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