Sunday, October 12, 2008

Published in the NY Times!

So I was at home with my wife and son this past Tuesday when I got an e-mail from a writer named James Barron from the New York Times. At first I thought it was possibly spam but I checked his references on-line and saw he was clearly legitimate and I even remembered reading a few of his articles in the past. So I called him up. He told me he had read my post on the Bucket about putting my Grandfather's ashes in Yankee Stadium. He was writing a story about it and wanted to quote that story. So of course I said sure!! It is a great tribute to my Grandfather and other Die Hard Yankee fans that will forever remember Yankee Stadium as more than just another ballpark. I have pasted the link to the article below!

NY Times article by James Barron - "With Stadiums Going, Going, Ashes May Be Gone"

My Grandpa, Ned Marvin


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