Sunday, October 26, 2008

Celebrity Bucket o' Dumb: The McCain Campaign

Cody and I have made an effort not to interject our politics on Troy's Bucket. But by doing so we have found that we have missed out on some hilariously stupid shit that has been thrown out to the public during this campaign season. So we figured if the New York Times, NY Post, Washington Times and Washington Post can endorse a Presidential hopeful, why the hell can't we. We have to do it in our own way and as you might have noticed, given the title, that we at Troy's Bucket strongly endorse Senator Barack Obama.Yes I give this Celebrity Bucket o Dumb to the McCain campaign for their hilarious roller coaster ride from about May right on up to the end of October, and I'm sure there will be much more to come after I write this post. It is obvious at this late date in campaign season that John McCain is an angry old man yelling at the clouds. Now before I get into the stupid tricks of the McCain campaign I am compelled to say that I do not think ill of John McCain personally, and there was a time where I thought the guy had more going on upstairs. That all has changed since becoming the Republican front runner. Mr. McCain has decided to run for President without having any new plans to offer us the American people. So instead he has decided to be as ridiculous as possible in the hope that we either A. Don't notice B. feel bad for the guy and give him a sympathy vote or the worse one C. Attempt to bring Obama's postives so low that McCain somehow becomes the only choice.Early in the campaign McCain started with this simple phrase, "Barack Obama is not experienced enough to be President." Simple and easy to understand, but didn't work. Then he decided to up the ante and say that Obama will raise your taxes--which is not true, but it is a stalwart Republican tactic. At this point there was no mention of crazy preachers and washed up 60's radicals. He put out silly ads about Obama being a celebrity like Paris Hilton and Britany Spears. McCain and Bushie tagged team Obama for being an appeaser to Terrorists like Neville Chamberlain was to the Nazis (There is more to this particular event than this, but if you want more, check out the Best clip of the day from a few weeks ago with Chris Matthews). This charge was extremely silly considering a week or two later Bush started talking to the Iranians in the same way Obama had been suggesting.In August we got the Rah Rah of convention season. Obama picked Biden and McCain picked Sarah Palin. When we got Palinized during the Republican Convention, in my opinion, is when the Straight Talk Express started to come off the rails. McCain had the option of a Lieberman (although boring, definitely qualified), Ridge (again a bit stiff, but certainly qualified) or Romney (as boorish as John Kerry, has magic underwear, but still more qualified than Palin) but he went with the lady from Alaska, who claims her experience in foreign policy is based on the fact that she can see Russia from her house. We learned that she can read a speech with vigor but when asked questions on the spot it is abundantly clear that she doesn't have a free floating thought in her noggin. I won't go so far as to call her stupid but, just the other day, after three months she still cannot answer this simple question., "What does a VP do?" This is what the Governor said:

"A Vice President has a really great job, because not only are they there to support the President agenda, they're like a team member, the teammate to that President. But also, they're in charge of the United States Senate, so if they want to they can really get in there with the Senators and make a lot of good policy changes that will make life better for Brandon and his family and his classroom."

According to the Constititution the VP is not in charge of the Senate and most importantly the VP cannot get in there with the Senators and make policy changes. The VP has one role "Preside" over the Senate and vote only when a tie break is needed, otherwise it is very clear in the Constitution that the VP does not have a vote!!!

Sarah Palin, Rep. Michelle Bachmann, Joe McCain (Brother to John) and Rep. Robin Hayes have in the last few weeks invoked the mantra you are either with us or you are against America. Palin seems to think that small towns in the south and mid-west are the only "real" towns in America. Big towns aren't pro American like the small towns. Ms. Bachmann of Minnesota thinks that if you are a liberal then you are anti-american and the media should investigate you if you question Republican authority. What a novel approach to governing, but honestly that's just the funny stuff. McCain has suggested that Obama wants to teach the naughty talk about the birds and bees to kindergartners. That Obama favors killing newborn babies, that he has betrayed the troops because he, according to McCain, doesn't want to win the war in Iraq. And of course everyone's favorite that Mrs. Alaska keeps bringing up about Obama palling around with terrorists. Egads people, I think McCain should just stick to his line about Liberals raising taxes and all of this Joe the Plumber nonsense. Cause honestly, calling your opponent an anti-american socialist who palls with terrorists who kills babies would suggest that this person is dangerous. But McCain at a rally said that Obama is a good family man and that people shouldn't be afraid of his presidentcy. So if he, according to you Senator, isn't a dangerous commie terrorist then why the hell do you and the people around you keep implying this? Is it because you have nothing of real importance to bring to this election?Which brings us back to the fundamental reason why Senator McCain has earned his bucket o' dumb. He has run for the highest office in the land, after 30 years in the senate, after a exemplary military record only to offer the American people------crickets-----NOTHING!!! Absolutely nothing, no plan no ideas, just don't vote for the supposed Black commie terrorist guy who, may or may not be an American. Fear, senator, all you have brought is division and fear. And on top of that we are in the middle of a financial crisis and you expect the American people to elect someone who has been on the record as saying things like, "I don't understand the economy," and "The Fundamentals of our economy are strong," right after the economy tanked.

Should the American People choose not to elect you president Senator McCain. Please take a little trip to New Jersey, come and see us, and we will personally give you the trophy that is on the mantle place of some esteemed colleagues of yours, people like The Nuge, Britany Spears and Neil Diamond. I know it's not the White House but at least it's shiny. You can put it in that fifth house of yours in Boca. I think it will compliment the room just fine.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Worth watching twice to see the gentleman in red's initial reaction...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Looking for luxury and a haunting this Halloween? Rest your head at this historic hotel. The Omni Parker House Hotel in downtown Boston is America’s longest continuously operating luxury hotel. Opened in 1855, the hotel has had its share of famous guests. John F. Kennedy announced his candidacy for Congress in the Omni Press Room; he also proposed to Jackie Kennedy at the hotel and held his bachelor party there. Even earlier in history the Omni was home to the Saturday Night Club, where literary greats like Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Henry David Thoreau, Charles Dickens and Ralph Waldo Emerson gathered.

But it’s the paranormal presence at the Omni that makes it perfect for a Halloween stay. The third floor in particular is said to be a ghostly hotspot.

In 1876 Charlotte Cushman, a renowned 19th century stage actress, died in her room on the third floor. One of the Omni’s elevators is said to often travel on its own to the third floor, even when no buttons are pushed. Is it Charlotte? Or is it Longfellow, whose favorite room was on the third floor? Or is it the businessman who died in room 303? After the Omni received a large number of complaints about the loud laughter and smell of whisky coming from the suite, room 303 was converted into a closet.

Beyond the third floor some hotel guests have reported seeing the hotel’s founder Henry Parker. Guests recall hearing Parker asking them about their stay. Mr. Parker died in 1884.

Happy Hotel Haunting!

Monday, October 20, 2008


Driving through western New Hampshire yesterday I pulled the car over to snap a quick shot of this huge Obama banner hanging on the side of an old brick building. My photo and the current exhibit at the Currier Museum of Art in Manchester inspired me to create a Warhol-esque image. I love playing around with photos to achieve wild pop art, especially one like this as we are inundated with campaign signage. I have also included some fun I had with a portrait of Sen. Obama. Don't forget to vote November 4th!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


In all aspects of design black chandeliers are popping up. And just in time for Halloween here are some of my favorite dark delights, from Miley Syrus' pink dressing room with black chandeliers on the wallpaper and hanging from the ceiling; to a wall decal of a black chandelier (pictured with the green chair); to black chandelier notecards, pillows and tops! So Addams Family-I love it!

Wall decal $30 from; notecard from; pillow $78 from; sweater $79 from

Sunday, October 12, 2008


12-Year-Old Boy Scouts Volunteer To Give Women Breast Exams

Published in the NY Times!

So I was at home with my wife and son this past Tuesday when I got an e-mail from a writer named James Barron from the New York Times. At first I thought it was possibly spam but I checked his references on-line and saw he was clearly legitimate and I even remembered reading a few of his articles in the past. So I called him up. He told me he had read my post on the Bucket about putting my Grandfather's ashes in Yankee Stadium. He was writing a story about it and wanted to quote that story. So of course I said sure!! It is a great tribute to my Grandfather and other Die Hard Yankee fans that will forever remember Yankee Stadium as more than just another ballpark. I have pasted the link to the article below!

NY Times article by James Barron - "With Stadiums Going, Going, Ashes May Be Gone"

My Grandpa, Ned Marvin


Watch this Hardball interview slowly evolve into an all-time classic duel of D-Bags, as MSNBC D-Bag Chris Matthews sticks it to Conservative Talk Radio D-Bag Kevin James.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Life magazine captured style and culture using glossy black and white images. One of its best contributors was the magazine's first female photographer Nina Leen.

Ms. Leen passed in 1995 but she will be remembered for the mark she made on photojournalism and the interesting subjects she captured on film.

I love her eye for glamour. Above is a sampling of Ms. Leen's Life magazine photos:

Model in Flower Dress, 1951

ONeil Sisters, 1952

Shoes and Stockings, 1948

Model Jean Patchett, 1949

Restaurant Fashions, 1948

Beach Fashions, 1950

Race Track, 1958

Leather Sandals, 1950

Friday, October 3, 2008


Purple reigns for Fall 2008, here are some standout shades!

Zac Posen sketch for Fall 2008.

Lush quilted coat from Alexander McQueen.

Stripe dress from the Fall/Winter 2008 Collection of Jovovich-Hawk (as in Milla Jovovich).

Coach's Leather Sabrina handbag from the new Madison Collection $358.00

Purple mini dress from Kimora's Fall 2008 Baby Phat runway show (surprisingly elegant).

(Below) Great finds for fashion in this economy.....

Capsleeve dress $13.50 (with belt!) from

Pearl and flower necklace $24.95 from New York & Company

Classic purple coat $159.00 from

Incorporate a statement purple piece, like an ultra-soft sweater or mock-crock handbag, into your outfit for an instant update for fall. Shades of plum, raspberry and violet mix well with a neutral color palette so compliment your purple piece with black, white or gray.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Remembering Paul Newman

There are those actors in Hollywood that no matter what you see them in, it could be the biggest piece of crap ever, but that actor just seems to shine right through it like it was effortless. That was Paul Newman. Now bear with me, I know it may sound strange, but it is certainly a compliment. If you take the very best actor/actress from the beginning of their career to the end of it you will find a whole host of terrible films. I haven't seen all of Paul Newman's films as of yet but I have seen very many, I've seen some good and some bad and it doesn't matter because every time I see those blue eyes and that cocky grin a smile sets on my face and there is no way I'm leaving the room until the movie is finished. That my friend is more than just a movie star, that is a legend.This past Friday September 26th 2008 Paul Newman lost his battle to lung cancer at the age of 83. Paul Newman was a professional and a humanitarian, I've had his Newman's Own Italian dressing and as well as being quite good it also makes you feel good buying it because you know that 100% of the proceeds go to charity. These things are obviously important because it defined Paul Newman's character and his personality but it was his skill as an actor to bring the diversity, humor, thoughtfulness and pure emotion to every role he took on. The oldest of his films that I have seen so far, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958), where he played smart ass Brick Pollitt. Now when I saw Cat on a Hot Tin Roof I had already seen about a dozen Newman films and I couldn't say I loved the film but I certainly enjoyed his back and forth with Elizabeth Taylor. He just had that great connection with his co-stars that it would enhance the performances around him making it so much better. Next on my list was Exodus (1960), I love author Leon Uris, my favorite book was Mila 18, but Exodus came first and nobody played a bad ass soldier type better than Paul Newman as Ari Ben Canaan. The Israeli Freedom Fighter determined to give his life to bring his people to the promised land. I loved the movie but man, what an abrupt ending. Next up was the Hustler (1961), Fast Eddie Felson, the pool shark always getting himself into trouble. I really dug the Hustler but honestly I think I liked Fast Eddie even more in the sequel directed by Martin Scorsese 25 years later called The Color of Money (1986). Paul Newman won the Oscar for Best Actor, it was the one and only time he would win the top prize. But throughout his career he was nominated a total of 9 times for the golden man. He had memorable turns in films like Hud (1963) and of course Cool Hand Luke (1976). Now I know I haven't seen Hombre (1967) in it's entirety but I'm getting it on Netflix very soon. (My Dad loved Hombre, so don't tell him I haven't seen it fully yet.)Now from '69 right up through the 90's I'd have to say was the man's golden period. Starting with what has to be one of my favorite films of all time Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) written by one of my favorite writers William Goldman and the icing on that cake was Paul Newman as Butch. I could probably quote that entire damn movie, his lines especially, in my sleep. "I have vision, and the rest of the world wears bifocals." Perfect, just perfect the chemistry between Newman, Redford and Katharine Ross. It still amazes me that this movie tanked at the box office when it first came out, what the hell were people thinking? When I was a kid I wanted to be many things a cop, a cowboy, Han Solo and especially Butch Cassidy. Sure it was great to be the crazy hero running after the enemy with guns blazing, but Butch and Sundance were clever, they did the same thing with style and brass balls. Not to mention they took on the entire Bolivian army, that is bad ass.From Butch we go to the lecherous Judge Roy Bean and his drunken escapades with a giant Grizzly Bear. The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean (1972) was an amusing tale about the real life Judge who controlled a small western town with an iron fist. Then there was the thriller The Mackintosh Man (1973) which was ok, not Newman's best. In '73 he made my second favorite from the Newman collection The Sting. He reunited with Reford to make this con-job caper that is always a joy to watch. Newman plays washed up grifter Harry Gondorff as he tries to pull a fast one on Robert Shaw. I must have seen that one at least fifty times. Newman was also in The Towering Inferno (1974), The Drowning Pool (1975), and the funny Hockey comedy Slap Shot (1977).Newman showed up in a Coen Brothers film The Hudsucker Proxy (1994) as grumpy Sidney J. Mussburger, it was so good it was almost Cheneyesque-- yeah, yeah sure, sure. He should have won his second oscar in Nobody's Fool (1994) but he lost to Nigel Hawthorne (The Madness of King George). Then you have Twilight, (1998) a murder mystery of sorts and Road to Perdition (2002) where he plays a gangster father figure, who is so endearing and charming, that when he does some pretty awful things later in the film you still find yourself feeling for him. Newman was a one of kind; actor, race car driver, humanitarian, father and a husband and so much more, he will be greatly missed.I also did not get a chance two months ago to do my tribute to Issac Hayes and Bernie Mac who unfortunately died just days apart. Bernie Mac died August 9th due to complications from pneumonia. Issac Hayes died August 10th from a stroke. They were both legends, Bernie Mac in comedy and Issac Hayes as a musician. Just hearing the soundtrack to Shaft puts a smile on my face. Bernie Mac was always reliably funny from one of his early appearances on Friday (1995) to the Ocean's 11 flicks and his small role as Bobby Bolivia in Transformers (2007), he will surely be missed. I really am looking forward to seeing their final performances in the upcoming Soul Men also starring Samuel L. Jackson.