This past weekend I and my fellow Cave Drawing Inkers attended the big outrageous and packed NY Comic Con at the Convention Center. The Javits Center was nuts with people I haven't checked the final tally but it had to be at least 100,000. I saw, what has now become, the norm at Comic-Con. Two smoking hot Leia's in full out Slave girl outfits. Of course no Con would be complete with at least two or three not so hot Leia's in Slave Girl outfits. There were many stormtroopers and Boba Fetts and for their third straight year the Ghostbuster crew. There always seems to be four of them and they all have very intricate proton packs. I walked the show room floor taking in all of the sights and sounds. There was a new Spidey game coming out for all stations except of course my measley little Gamecube, I've gotta get a damn Wii or an X-Box or something so I can play these bad ass superhero games. Especially after I saw the demo for the Iron Man game which I think was playing on the X-Box. The freedom was incredible and the graphics were top notch, not to mention the little gadgets that go boom on the suit. Damn I need an X-Box.

I found a few of the guys from Cave Drawing Ink, Ezio, Ori, Greg and a few newcomers like Young Nam Heller and Blair Kamage. Young Nam's stuff is pretty amazing, but don't worry you'll be able to see his stuff in our new book titled Rise of the Outlanders that's coming out later next month. I'm sure I'll whore it out a bit more as we get closer to the due date. Anyway so I hung out with Blair a bit as we found ourselves in line at the Indiana Jones/Star Wars panel. I thought they were gonna show some exclusive Indy trailers for the upcoming Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, but they just rehashed the teaser trailer from three months ago. They showed some cool trailers for the upcoming Star Wars: Clone Wars animated film coming out this summer. It was um, ok, but I'm not really sold on the animation style, I guess time will tell. They also talked a bit about the animated Clone Wars show that will spin off from the film in the fall. Again, the animation is not really that exciting but I like what they are trying to do with it storywise and of course you can never get tired of new Star Wars stories.

They also showed the demo for the new Indiana Jones trilogy Lego style. It looked cute, my friends Marty and Sarah really love this shit. They made a Star Wars and Batman one that apparently were big hits. So I assume the Indy one will be too. Again I thought it was cute, but it's not really my thing. Why don't they just make another regular Indiana Jones game. It just looks cheap and crappy when they do it this way--plus if you want to play with legos then go get the real thing. Why do you have to play a game about Indiana Jones as a Lego? I guess it's just me. Near the end of the panel I was getting bored and I guess they started to figure that out cause they decided to bring up special guest stars Seth Green and his fellow co-creator of Robot Chicken. They were funny as they showed a couple of clips from the Star Wars edition of Robot Chicken. The guys talked about how pumped they were to get George Lucas involved in the episode and how he seem to give them unfettered access to the Star Wars universe.

The Con was Friday-Sunday but because of commitments at home and the fact that the Con was over passover I only showed up part time on Friday and most of the day on Saturday. I'm not Jewish but my wife is and personally I didn't want to have to sleep on the couch over the weekend or for the next week so....My stay was rather short. Overall it was cool, not outstanding or as eye popping as it has been in years past. I guess after you go to these things a few times they start to lose their luster.