Saturday, December 1, 2007

The New Evil Empire

If anyone has read our blog they would know that Cody Dee and I are pretty big Yankee fans. And as Yankee Fans we have had the "Evil Empire" moniker label spit at us when we wear our Yankee attire, as if the clothes and the team were spawned from the murky bowls of Hell itself. In the last four years I have seen the pitiful Boston Red Sox go from aww shucks losers to cocky World Series Champions, twice. Does it bother me that the Red Sox have won twice in four years and the Yankees haven't? You bet your sweet bippy!! Am I gonna cry about it and sulk, hell no! The Yankees haven't won a World Series since 2000, and yet as I mentioned above, they are still spit and cursed at by these angry Boston Fans. The "Evil Empire," shouted out as if the Yankees killed Boston's cat or something. So why can't Boston at least share the title of Evil Empire? As time goes by they look more and more like the Yankees anyway. They have the second largest payroll in baseball. They have some of the biggest egos in the game, Manny Ramirez, David Ortiz, Curt Shilling and John Papelbon. And as I mentioned before they have won 2 World Series in the last 4 years! But what I think makes them the New Evil Empire is more than just how much money they have, or championships they have won, it's mostly about those egos I spoke of before. Now I have a lot of respect for the Sox coach Terry Francona, he in my mind is a professional. It's just these players as a whole, they are cocky and loud and they are not always respectful. Look at the Yankees, other than one or two weird occurances with A-Rod, they are consumate professionals. They don't wag their fingers in your face they either beat you or go home, it's that simple.

Manny showing off during a game.

Now my Brother Andrew has decided to weigh in on the subject. He like Cody and me have been following the big Santana trade that could be showdown between the Yankees and the Red Sox.
Here is the article that spawned some of his comments:>Andrew: Okay, I am a Yankee fan and the dumbest comment i have ever heard was calling the Yankees the "Evil Empire", and by the Red Sox fans at that. Look at them. They don't have one player that wasn't bought and paid for! The Yankees have more real Yankees than the good ole' Red Sox. I think it is so funny when the Yankees do it, its evil when the Sox do it they amazingly justify it somehow. Well you know what Red Sox nation you can go stick it! You guys are the most hypocritical bunch of babies! You are the "Evil Empire" just look at your team. Name one key contributor on your team that is from your farm system! Okay you have Youkilis and Ellsbury, but you didn't even play Youklis in the final game! You guys are a joke; go spend money compete against us but don't whine about loosing players to us and calling us the evil empire when you spend and buy just as much or more than my Yanks do!! Your whole team are mercenaries! Calling my Yankees "The Evil Empire," you guys are a Joke your front office is a joke. When you win more at least a dozen World Series then you come talk to me, Boston needs to catch up to make this a rivalry its taken you 90 years to figure it out! Nuff Said!

John Papelbon dancing like a fool and really rubbing it in. At some point during this little dance he proceeded to yell Yankees suck. Would Derek Jeter or anyone on the Yankees say this about the Red Sox after winning the ALCS or the World Series...The answer would be no. If you want to see Papelbon in all of his glory click here: Youtube Papelbon Dance


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