If you are a Trek fan you have probably heard about the rumblings from the Paramount Lot about a recharge of the Original Star Trek series. J.J. Abrams, director of Mission Impossible 3 and creator and co-creator of Alias and Lost is gearing up to take the helm. Honestly after the disappointment that was the TV series So they want to show how Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Scotty all met each other in
But the big question is should this happen in the first place? I think that they have one of the best creators in TV and Film to take this head on, so that's a huge first start. Also the fact that he understands that good Trek is determined by the tri-fecta of characters that is Spock, McCoy and Kirk. If these three are not fully developed then this project will not work. I read in an interview not long ago that J.J. Abrams wanted to explore a bunch of different themes like Faith vs. Logic, science vs. emotion and us vs. them. The film Serenity proved again that Star Trek themes are still relevant to our current society if done correctly. (Yes I know Serenity didn't break the box office but there is a huge cult following, and it was an excellent movie to boot, people just didn't see it.) Anyway I've tried to think long and hard about the casting for the next Star Trek and I’ve listed a couple prospects, see what you think.
Captain James T. Kirk - Yeah, I just think he's a great choice. He's got the man's man attitude. He also doesn't strike me as being timid when it comes to the green skinned chicks. We know he can kick ass from the Bourne films, what more do you need. Matty's got my vote.
Spock - I hear people say that Zachary Quinto would be a good choice, but I don't know, he's okay I guess. I would prefer Tobias Menzies (
Leonard McCoy - This one was difficult. At first I really thought Josh Lucas would be great, he's got a good southern accent and he's a good actor, but he might be a bit old for the part or at least look too old. So then I thought about Wes Bentley, he's the right age. Although for continuity sake he is supposed to be a little older than Kirk. Anyway, McCoy always had a sarcastic sense of humor and often he had to project crazy eyes (y'know cause he was possessed or stressed or something). Wes Bentley has already proven from American Beauty and maybe even from the upcoming Ghost Rider that he can pull off this weird quirk in the character.
Carol Marcus - Of course you have to have a pretty girl and the only girl that fits into the continuity well enough is Carol Marcus who appears in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan played by Bibi Besch. Now I just found an interesting piece of information that Samantha Mathis is the daughter of Bibi Besch. Why not, she already looks the part and I know she can play smart since she was in American President.
So we'll see if any of my choices come true. If any of you have a better cast in mind, let me know.
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